Mi Band smart alarm on iPhone (MiBand 1s)

how to wake up feeling good


Using sleep patterns smart alarm can be beneficial for You.

So how it works.

The best time to wake up.

When You are in a light sleep, waking up is rather easy and comfortable. It is the best stage to leave the bed and start being active. How to do it? How to know at which stage of sleep cycle You are and how to use this information to be cheerful and fresh in the morning?

The answer is tracking Your heart rate with the MiHR app and MiBand 1s and letting smart alarm to wake You up when You wish and when You are in a light sleep.

In other words the MiHR app will measure Your heart rate 30 minutes before the set alarm. It will wake You up when Your heart rate indicates that Your sleep is light. If You do not have light sleep during that time, MiHR app will wake You up at the time You have chosen.

Therefore You just:

  • buy MiBand 1s, download MiHR app:


  • set the time You need to wake up and
  • sleep being sure the MiHR will help You to awake in the most appropriate moment.

Smart alarm

64 myśli na temat “Mi Band smart alarm on iPhone (MiBand 1s)”

  1. I was happy to see this addition to the app and I was disappointed it was not already included in the basic Apple Health or Mi Fit apps. But my experience with the Mi Fit app is that it only differentiates light sleep and deep sleep not REM so is Mi HR using its own algorithm to determine the sleep state? Also does the alarm work in the background or does the user need to have the Mi HR app and/or Mi Fit app running when they go to bed?

    1. Hello, Erik,
      thanks for the question.
      MiBand 2 as MiBand 1s uses its own algorithm to determine the sleep stage.
      It is known that is checks Your heart rate and movements during sleep.
      No, You do not need Your iPhone nor MiHR app running when You use smart alarm.
      You just set it and the MiBand 2 remembers the set awake time and wakes You up at that time or nearest light sleep just before the set time.
      How did You like smart alarm? Did it change anything in Your waking up?

  2. Hello, the Smart Alarm function is not working at all for me. I set up the alarm to 9:30 am and no vibration at all. Also tryed different times during daylight, nothing again. What should I do ? Alarm it’s on, so as the app and bluetooth. Need a solution, please!

    1. Hello, Dudu,
      thanks for mentioning this issue. Yes, unfortunately at the moment smart alarm on MiBand 2 does not work. We are trying to make it work and I will let You know on this blog when it is possible. I am sorry for the inconvenience and ask You for some patience.

  3. Tried to set smart alarm with my Iphone 6 and Mi Band 2 (FW ver. It didn’t vibrate at all. And ordinary alarm also didn’t work when I tried it out.

    1. Hello, Denis,
      sorry for inconvenience.
      unfortunately at the moment smart alarm works only with MiBand 1s.
      We work on making it possible with MiBand 2.
      Hopefully we will manage to do it and I will write about it replying to Your comment!

  4. Coś jest nie tak z smart alarmem. Nie reaguje na zmianę ustawień godziny, opaska budzi mnie i starej godzinie. To raz. A dwa – mam ustawione powtarzanie alarmu od poniedziałku do piątku, jednak notorycznie nie zaczyna budzić w poniedziałek, tylko w środę. Więc ma 3-4 dni bez budzenia mimo innych ustawień. Dodam, że inne alarmy nie są ustawione.

      1. Wysłałam maila jednak nie dostałam odpowiedzi. Dodam że dzisiaj problem się powtórzył – budzik przestawiłam na wcześniejszą godzinę – opaska zawibrowała o starej godzinie… pewnie dopiero jutro zadzwoni o nowej mimo że juz go przestawiłam na starą…
        Opaska to mi band s1, a system wcześniej ios9, teraz ios10.

    1. Hello, Yevgeniy,
      thanks for the question.
      At the moment smart alarm works only with MiBand 1s.
      It is hard to predict when it is possible with MiBand 2, as it is connected to some programmer issues.
      I will let You know when we manage to solve them!

  5. Hi,

    I was very satisfied with my mi b.2 and your app on android, „unfortunately” I now got an iphone from my employer and this rendered my band close to useless. lost full control over all app notifications and as you mentioned before the smart alarm still does not work on the 2nd version.

    Any chance you will add support for controlling notifications as the standard Mi app doesn’t even cover half of them? Any progress on the smart alarm?

    1. Hi, Sebe,
      thanks for good words and for the question.
      Yes, we plan to support smart alarm on MiBand 2. I will let You know when it is possible.
      Regarding notifications on iPhone – we have added it to the feature list.
      Which notifications would You like to have on it?
      If You have any further ideas or questions, please let me know.

      1. Well taking the mi-tools as a reference on android it would be great if there is a possibility to add custom notifications for all apps by choosing the available icons. But guessing that iOS is too restrictive for that I would say that notifications should be available for the following apps:
        What’s app

  6. Hello, I try to get the alarm working but no way it won’t vibrate at all.
    There are no other alarms set in other apps.
    I using iphone5 with ios 10. The app is working because sending vibration is possible.
    Kind regards Peter.

  7. Kupiłem Mi Band (1) tylko po to, by móc korzystać z inteligentnego budzenia. Teraz, gdy opaska już do mnie dotarła, okazuje się, że ta funkcja została usunięta. W związku z tym mam dwa pytania:
    1. Czy zostanie przywrócona w jakiejś najbliszej aktualizacji?
    2. Czy jeśli nie zostanie przywrócona, otrzymam zwrot pieniędzy? W trakcie zakupu nie było mowy o tym, że ta funkcja nie jest wspierana. Wręcz przeciwnie.

  8. Pisze ponownie w sprawie nie działającego smart alarmu przy opasce mi band s1. Aplikacja nie reaguje na zmiany godziny budzika! Dopiero z kilkudniowym opóźnieniem zauważy że godzina budzenia została zmieniona, nie licząc kilku wyjątków. Problem zgłaszałam we wrześniu – do dzisiaj nie dostałam obiecanej odpowiedzi na maila. Zakupiłam wersję premium tylko przez wzgląd na smart alarm… a okazuje się że budzenie w oryginalnej aplikacji byłoby lepsze mimo braku smart alarmu… ale chociaż miałabym pewność że mnie obudzi.

    1. Witam, Agnieszka, tak, rzeczywiście, jest taki problem. Nie wiem tylko, dla czego nie otrzymałaś odpowiedzi na maila. Wysłałam maila z zapytaniem, czy w MiFit też alarmy są wyłączone jeszcze 20 września. Odezwij się proszę, na support@mimhr.com w tej sprawie, ponieważ ustalenie budzików w Mi Fit może zakłócać pracę Mi HR. Dzięki i przepraszam za niedogodności!

      1. Wole napisać tutaj ponieważ maile od Pani mi po prostu nie dochodzą – skrzynka spam tez była sprawdzana… wszystkie budziki w mi fit są wyłączone i nawet nigdy włączone nie były ponieważ od początku korzystam z Mi HR. Wykupiłam wersje premium tylko ze względu na smart alarm który nie działa jak powinien :(

        1. Witam, Angelika,
          dziękuję za wiadomość.
          ostatni mail, który wysłałam, właśnie dotyczył budzików w Mi Fit. on dotarł?
          czy dobrze rozumiem: problem z inteilgentnym budzikiem polega na tym, że jak Pani zmienia godzinę budzika, ta zmiana jest wykonywana dopiero po 1-2 dniach albo też zdarza się, że budzik nie dzwoni?
          z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź!

          1. Niestety żadnego maila nie dostałam od Pani :(
            Dokładnie tak sie dzieje jak Pani napisała. Dzisiaj np w ogóle nie zadzwonił mimo ze od czwartku miał zmieniona godzinę. W czwartek przesunelam z 8 na 8.30, w piątek obudzil mnie przed 8 a dzisiaj nie zadzwonił w ogóle… juz próbowałam wszystkiego – i ustawiać po kilka razy i wyłączać i włączać i synchronizować po każdym ustawieniu budzika… i nic :(

  9. Hello I buy the prenuim version of your application to use the smart alarm but it does not work on my mi band 1S the alarm sounds just on time … Should make adjustments so that the smart alarm works ?

  10. Hello! I also have problems with smart alarm on iOS, using mi band 1s. It dosent work at all, how can I fix it?
    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hello, Stepppler, thanks for the question and sorry for inconvenience.
      Please let me know what You mean that it does not work: do You manage to set smart alarm in Mi Heart Rate app?
      does it wake You up at the set time or before it?
      is Your Mi Band 1s connected in Mi Heart Rate app?
      Are You able to measure Your heart rate in Mi Heart Rate app?

      1. Wiktoria, hello!
        1) yes I set smart alarm several days, only in HR app. Also I switched off all other alarms in official app
        2) app didn’t vibrate at all. (Before the set time, on the set time or later)
        3) yes, band is connected – I get info about my pulse, also I get vibration in the settings.
        Thank You for Your help

          1. Hello! If I correctly undersood your question, passed about 8-9 hours.
            I tried both steps, and also reinstalled mifit app, but it didn’t work…

  11. Когда сможете сделать умный будильник, работающий с mi band 2?
    Очень нужен!
    Premium account.

  12. I just tried this app with mi band2 and the smart alarm did not work as expected. It rang at the time set and not earlier, even though I was awake before that.
    Are there any know issues with it right now? Is there a way I could check what exactly does the band memory has(alarms, time, smart or not and so on)?
    How does the sync between the app and the band happen? There is no progress bar nor „button” to trigger sync.
    Thank you for your reply!

    1. Hello, Dobri,
      thanks for the question.
      I will check the issue with smart alarm.
      In order to check what the band’s memory has (alarms, time, smart or not and so on) I would suggest You to check the apps connected to Your Mi Band (e.g. Mi Heart Rate, Mi Fit apps).
      When You tap on connect in settings menu of Mi HR app, it is connected to Your Mi Band and when You measure Your heart rate, You receive the data in Mi HR app.
      Mi Band does store not hr nor cadency data and this is the data Mi HR shows from Your Mi Band. Thus, there is not need for any synchronisation.
      At the moment, when Mi HR is not running, it is not connected with Mi Band, even though once You run Mi HR, You may find Your Mi Band connected in Mi HR or You may need to connect it manually.
      I hope that was helpful.
      If You have any future questions, please let me know.
      Could I ask for some more information regarding Your experience with Mi HR: I am interested whether You liked it and why.

  13. Hi,

    I’m using an IPhone SE, IOS version 10.1.1.

    I have purchased the Pro version, is useful for third apps which require HR monitoring, so congratulations for your work.

    Didn’t try yet the smart alarm, but could get the alarm working with Mi Band 2.

    AFAIK, the band vibrates 18 times, 3 times each interval, 6 intervals, I didn’t check if the alarm repeats if you ignore it.

    The problem, at least for me, is that the vibration is so soft and short that I’m unable to notice it.

    Do you know some way to increase the length or the intensity?


    1. Hello, Rick,
      thanks for the question.
      yes, the possibility to set kind of vibration is added to the feature list.
      I will let You know once we manage to introduce it.
      if You have any future ideas or issues, do not hesitate to let me know.
      I hope You will find Mi Heart Rate useful!

  14. Hi again,

    Overal the app is good and but one will still need to get mi fit app to have all features like steps tracking and activity.
    One thing that bithers me now is that I had mi hr app only on my iPhone. Few days later I wanted to install mi fur app, but I fail to pair it with tha mi band 2. I tried to disconnect it from mi hr, but it still did not want to pair with mi fit app. I will try to reinstall the apps now.
    Btw smart alarm still did not work as expected even that I had no other apps even installed that use the band. Your help is much appreciated to get the smart alarm working.

  15. Anything on the smart alarm feature? It still works as regular alarm on mi band 2.
    It is worthless to use the app for this feature today. You must fix it as it is one of the features we pay for.

  16. Как включить Smart alarm на Mi Band 2? Купила версию premium исключительно ради этой функции! Кнопка не работает

    1. Приветствую, Юлия, благодарю за Ваш интерес к Mi HR и за поддержку его развития.
      К сожалению (как тут пишем), умный будильник работает только в версии Mi HR для Mi Band 1s (iOS).
      добавление умного будильника для Mi Band 2 очень трудное по техническим причинам.
      если все же сможем это сделать, сообщу Вам.
      Если хотите, сообщите мне transaction ID на support@mimhr.com – сможем вернуть деньги за покупку.
      Будут еще вопросы – пишите!

  17. Доброй ночи
    Не могу спарить свой браслет первого поколения без пульсометра. Программа его видит – нажимаю спарить, вылезает окошко „соединяюсь” и все ничего дальше не происходит, минут 5 ждал и ничего.
    Что делать?

    Хочу что бы работал умный будильник.

    1. Доброй ночи, Олег,
      благодарю за Ваш интерес к Mi HR и за вопрос.
      к сожалению, Mi HR работает только на Mi Band 1s и Mi Band 2 (версии с пульсомером).
      а умный будильник – только с Mi Band 1s.
      Если у Вас появятся новые вопросы или идеи относительно развития приложения – милости просим! :)

  18. Hello, I am thinking about full versinm od the app but I can see that the Band 2 does not support smart alarm.

    I would like to kindly ask if this feature is all ready working? If now do you have clear plan of providing this function; meaning you know what is a problem and only time for implementation is needed?


    1. Hello, Bartosz,
      thank You for the interest in Mi HR and for the question.
      yes, unfortunately, at the moment smart alarm works only with Mi Band 1s.
      Mi Band 2 support is at the feature list. However, it is connected to some technical issues and it is hard to predict when we manage to do it. Once it happen, I will let You know.
      sorry for this inconvenience!
      Feel free to ask any future questions concerning Mi Heart Rate app or to let me know about the ideas in this regards You have!

    1. Hello, Kirill,
      thanks for the question and sorry for the delay with the response. We had some issues with server.
      regarding smart alarm on Mi Band 2 – unfortunately, we do not plan adding it in the nearest future, because it is connected with some technical difficulties.
      if we manage to do it, I will let You know.
      feel free to let me know about any future questions or ideas You have.

  19. Witam,
    Czy istnieje możliwość odzyskania płatności za aplikacje Mi HR, zakupiona w sklepie Apple? Kupiłem aplikacje wyłącznie ze względu na smart alarm, który, jak się okazuje nie działa, i nie jest planowane wdrożenie tej funkcjonalności.

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